TEC Appraisers take time-consuming physical damage claims off your plate.
TEC Appraisers recently expanded its Third Party Administration division
serving insurance companies, brokers, and risk managers of self-insured
fleets. When you partner with TEC Appraisers, you reap the benefit of
many years of excellence in administering physical damage claims.
Outsource challenging claims—or your entire claims department.
From the moment your customer initiates a claim to the final disposition
of salvage, TEC Appraisers is staffed and equipped to handle all aspects
of the claims process. Think of us as a seamless, cost-efficient extension
of your business.
Can TEC Appraisers help your business run more smoothly? Please
call Brian McGuire toll free at 1-800-567-9411 for a no-obligation
consultation to discuss claims administration solutions that will
work for you.